Match Plants to the Sun
- Shrubs: Full Light Exposure: A collection of home garden flowers best suited for full sun exposure.
- Understanding Sun Exposure: Southern Living Plant Collection addresses the importance of sun exposure for the majority of home flower gardens.
- Gardening Links: Alabama and Master Gardeners provides a list of external links of educational plant-based databases.
- Plants for Shady Sites: A webpage that provides home garden tips for planting in shady areas.
- Ten Best Annuals for Sun: Missouri Botanical Gardens discusses the ten best annuals for growing in the direct sun light.
Pay Attention to Soil Needs
- Links to Other Garden Sites: The Edgewood Garden Club provides a comprehensive list of organizations that will assist new and seasoned home gardeners.
- Cylinder Gardening: Links: A list of external links with home garden tips and related information for kids.
- Ten Steps to a Successful Vegetable Garden (PDF): The University of Arizona provides a document highlighted with ten important steps to build a successful vegetable garden.
- Plant Nutrients: The North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services explains how home garden plants obtain their nutrients from the soil.
- FAO: Plants and the Soil: A webpage that aims to educate gardeners on the importance of good soil to prove successful.
- Gardening with Ferns and more: Learn about the soil and conditions needed for ferns.
- Home Gardener’s Guide to Soils and Fertilizers (PDF): A complete home gardener’s manual to soils and fertilizers.
Where to Plant?
- Children’s Gardening: The Great Plant Escape provides a collection of links to green-related websites that will teach kids home garden tips that they can understand.
- Steps to Starting a Home Garden (PDF): New gardeners can reference this guide for the basic home gardening tips.
- Valuable Resource Links – Gardening: A resource page that provides a list of valuable links loaded with hundreds of gardening tips for the enthusiast.
- Men’s Garden Club of Villa Park: An extensive list of resources, including how-to and plant-specific websites for the avid home gardener.
- Where to Plant Your Roses: The Oklahoma Rose Society explains the ideal place to start a rose garden at home.
Foundation Plantings
- Links to Interesting Gardening and Horticultural Sites: Navigate through these external links to learn more gardening tips for the serious farmer or in your own backyard.
- Bill’s Garden: Useful and Unusual Links: A comprehensive list of external links for those looking for useful and unusual gardening tips.
- Foundation Plants: A comprehensive selection of common foundation plants.
- Foundation Plantings: Clemson University provides a webpage on common ways to plant shrubbery around a home.
- Shrubs: Functions, Planting, and Maintenance (PDF): An extensive document that explains ways to use shrubs to decorate the foundation around a home.
Borders and Islands
- Links to Additional Landscaping and Gardening-Related Resources: The City of Louisville, Kentucky provides a series of landscaping and gardening resources.
- Gardening Links: Espoma provides an extensive list of links for landscaping and home gardening.
- 20 Garden Border Designs: A list of 20 basic garden border designs.
- Regional Gardening & Food Resources: The Seattle Department of Neighborhoods offers a series of resources for the avid home gardener and serious botanist.
- Steambank Gardens: Resources: A comprehensive list of resources for those interested in specialty ways of gardening, including container and cosmic gardening.
- Helpful and Informative Garden Links: An extensive list of educational webpages for those who love home gardening.
- Safer Brand’s Recommended Links: Organic Gardening: An extensive list of recommended links for those interested in organic gardening.
- Planning an Animal-Friendly Garden: Edging: The PETA provides edging suggestions for creating an animal-friendly garden.
- Types of Garden Edging Used in Landscaping (PDF): A document that provides several types of edging suggestions used in home flower gardens.
- Rock Garden and Edging Perennials (PDF): A list of perennials perfect for use in edging and rock home flower gardens.
Plan for Constant Color and Interest
- “Site” Seeing – Links to Other Web Sites Index: A compilation of general horticultural, landscaping, botany, and home gardening websites.
- Links for the Master Gardener: A series of links that addresses a variety of gardening tips for the new, intermediate, and advanced gardener.
- How to Build and Install Raised Garden Beds: Popular Mechanics offers a tutorial on how to build and install raised home flower beds.
- Colorful Annuals For Container Gardening (PDF): Washington State University shares information on growing annual garden flowers in containers.
- Designing a Flower Bed with View in Mind: The University of Purdue offers suggestions on designing home flower gardens with color and interest in mind.
- Nick’s Garden Center and Farmer’s Market: Gardening Links: A resource page full of organizations, associations, and publications dedicated to providing gardening tips those interested.
- Earthly Pursuits: Gardening Links: A collection of home gardening websites for those interested in making beautiful arrangements.
- Annual and Perennial Flower Shade Gardening (PDF): A document that shares advice on shade gardening with annual and perennial flowers.
- Gardening for Butterflies: A webpage that provides information on building a garden that will attract beautiful butterflies.
- Rain Garden Plants: Washington State University provides a webpage full of home gardening tips for those interested in rain garden plants.
- Japanese Garden Design in the 21st Century (PDF): An extensive document that provides Japanese garden arrangement in the 21 st century.
- Perry’s Perennial Pages: A compendium of authoritative websites on perennial home flower beds.
- Growing Herbs for the Home Gardener: An education website that provides information on growing herbs, including the growing requirements and uses for biennial and perennial flowers.
- Summer Perennials: The Morton Aboretum provides an authoritative list on perennial home garden flowers that thrive in summer conditions.
- Perennials: A complete database of perennial home garden flowers.
- Top Ten Shade Perennials: The Georgia Perennial Plant Association shares its’ top ten pick of shade perennials.
- Perennials Galore: The Perennial Plant Association provides a database of perennials in alphabetical order.
- Perennials for Texas Landscapes (PDF): A list of perennial gardening flowers suitable for the landscape in South Texas.
- Perennials, Late-flowering: The Chicago Botanic Garden provides a comprehensive list of late-flowering perennials.
- Preparing For August Blooms: Top Midwestern Perennials: The Indiana Public Broadcast shares a podcast on preparing the top perennials to grow in the Mid-West.
- Perennials by Common Name: The University of Arkansas provides a list of perennials by common name.
- Forcing Herbaceous Perennials to Flower after Storage Outdoors under a Thermoblanket (PDF): A document that shares how to force herbaceous perennials to flower under a thermoblanket.
- Calendar of Monthly of Garden Tasks and Projects: Plan your garden for the optimal foliage.
- What are Annual Plants?: Life Lab discusses annual gardening flowers and plants and the best way to tend them in your garden.
- Sow What? Annuals!: An article that addresses the types of annuals and the benefits for sowing them.
- Annuals, Biennials, and Perennials (PDF): A comprehensive resource that talks about the three different types of plants to place in your home flower beds.
- How to Grow Annuals: Cornell University instructs home gardeners on how to grow annual garden flowers and plants.
- Gardening with Annuals: The University of Rhode Island provides a fact sheet on annual garden flowers.
- Top 10 Cool Season Annuals (PDF): The Dallas Arboretum Trial Gardens shares the top ten cool season annual home garden flowers.
Specialty Gardens
- The American Iris Society: An extensive document that offers advice for specialty gardens.
- Container Gardening: An educational website that provides an overview on container gardening.
- Gardensites – From aloe plants to exotic flowers, this website has information on just about every specialty garden and plant!
- Hydroponics for Home Gardeners (PDF): An extensive document that provides an overview on hydroponics for home gardening.
- HowStuffWorks: How to Design a Rose Garden: HowStuffWorks explains how to design and maintain rose home garden beds.
- Iris Links: An assortment of links on the subjects of botany, horticultural, landscaping, and home gardening.