With summer upon us, I’m sure most of your thoughts are filled with dreams of ice cream, BBQs, long days in the sun, and (my personal favorite) swimming. Growing up, my family was fortunate enough to have one of the only in ground pools in the neighborhood. This meant our house became the unspoken summer hang out zone (I was completely okay with this; my parents, not so much haha!) But (not to date myself) this was some 25+ years ago. Times, and the housing market, have changed tremendously since then.
When buying a home these days, what’s the value of homes with pools? While some people love the luxury feel of having a home with pool (or even a home with a hot tub) others feel that homes with pools are too much work – especially the older generation.
According to the San Francisco Chronicle, back in the 1950s and 1960s, having homes with pools was a symbol of wealth and mobility. Flash forward to current times; in the housing market these days, homes with pools represent safety concerns and a money pit for upkeep. Not only do you need to pay for upkeep of the pool (the liner, chemicals, pumps) but you need to be mindful of the safety fence that pretty much all homes with pools require. It’s a lot to take care of, when you think about it.
Looking back to my childhood, some of my fondest memories were spent with with my family and friends around the home pool. We would spend hours swimming and BBQing and lounging; I really don’t think you can put a price on quality time like that anymore. In today’s day and age of cell phones, fast pace living, and multi-tasking, it’s the quiet moments that you cherish.
How do you feel? Would a home with a pool deter you from buying it? Have you had trouble selling your home with a pool? Are you specifically looking for homes with pools?