Calling all movie fanatics: Do you recognize these famous movie houses?
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Here’s your chance to show off all of the movie knowledge you posses; and simultaneously reveal that you spend WAY too much time in front of the television at your home. (I kid…kind of.)
The setting of a movie is key; whether the movie takes place in the middle of an ocean or is located in a modular home in suburbia, there’s no denying that some movies have homes we can pick out instantly. (I’m sure there’s already images flashing through your head of famous movie homes that you know and love!) Let’s see if the homes listed below are ones you recognize!:
- A Christmas Story – Who could forget the charm and nostalgia that goes along with this famous house from the classic Christmas movie? Most of us have either lived in a similar home, or have fond memories of spending time with our Grandparents in a house just like Ralphie’s in A Christmas Story. While you may not share the memory of putting a giant leg lamp in the window, there’s no doubt you get a warm, fuzzy feeling by viewing this 19th-century Victorian home, located in Cleveland, OH.
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- Ferris Bueller’s Day Off – Who can forget the famous home of Ferris Bueller; or more so, his friend Cameron? The movie that glorified sick days (and made Bueller a legend to all school-loathing kids world wide) can instantly be recognized when a shot of Camera’s famous home garage is shown. Built in 1953, this gorgeous home made everyone want a glass garage (and the 1961 Ferrari GT California to go in it.)
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- Home Alone – When you hear the name ‘Kevin Mcallister’, your hands are instantly drawn to your cheeks and you let out a scream, right? (ok, maybe that’s just me…) But really, when we’re talking about famous movie houses, we can’t NOT mention this gorgeous colonial. Located in suburban Chicago, this iconic house IS the movie; without this house, Kevin wouldn’t be home alone, and the wet bandits wouldn’t have a reason to run through his booby traps! Kids everywhere secretly wished their parents would forget them when they went on vacation, just so they could run a muck through their parent’s home. (okay, once again, maybe that’s just me…) But really, the famous Home Alone house would be a dream home; if only I lived closer to Chicago!
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- Blade Runner – We couldn’t make this list and not put one of Frank Lloyd Wright’s architectural master pieces on here. (Wright is one of my personal favorites; his home designs are simple magical!) For this movie, Frank Lloyd Wright’s iconic Ennis Brown House was used. Architecture and home design nerds can pick out a Wright design anywhere; this movie is no exception! I’ve always dreamed of visiting the Ennis House (or any of Frank Lloyd Wright’s iconic homes) and am actually planning a ‘Frank Lloyd Wright road trip’ – I want to visit all of his works of art!
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- Sleepless in Seattle – Houses come in many different styles; whether it’s a classic Victorian home, modular home, pre-fab log cabin, or, in this movie, a houseboat! Tom Hanks had the best of both real estate worlds when he chose to live in this houseboat. This type of housing became popular in the 1890s, for the convenience of sailors and fishermen…but it wasn’t until this famous movie home glamorized water living, that people all over the world starting wanted to move to the coasts.
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- Amityville Horror – This Dutch Colonial home, located near Long Island, NY, was the murder scene of the family who owned it in the 70s. The movie, supposedly based on true events, burned the image of this home’s infamous windows into everyone’s mind. Do you believe this famous horror movie house is haunted?
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…Are there any other famous movie houses that come to mind? This list was just a personal favorite; I know there’s plenty of other infamous Hollywood homes out there. What ones did I leave off? What famous movie houses did you grow up recognizing and loving? Be sure to comment below!